Monday, March 03, 2008

Why is this person smiling?

I have chronic sinus problems. Allergies, stuffiness, post-nasal drip, the subsequent coughing, the works.

Our doctor had recommended using a neti pot a few months ago. Last week we acquired one and gave it a shot. Weird and a little gross, but I'm on my second or third day and so far, I feel quite a bit better. I'm not much for alternative medicine, but while your first impression of the neti pot concept may lump it with Chinese acupunture and the like, it does seem logical, at least to me. You're simply flushing your sinus cavity with saline to cleanse out allergens and other irritants.

The flush itself takes some getting used to, but if you have sinus problems and need to use nasal spray, Flonase, or other medications, try it. Like I said, it's only been a few days, but so far N-E-T-I spells relief.


Blogger psbrubaker said...

Ever try doing it in one ear and seeing what happens?

March 04, 2008 11:15 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

huh? what's that?

March 04, 2008 11:16 AM  

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