Friday, March 07, 2008

Tribute to a Princess

It's my wife's birthday today. There are many reasons she excels other women; I thought I'd list a few of them to raise the standard for the other women out there (are there other women out there?!):
  • Loyalty - One of her strongest qualities. How many of you men have complete confidence that your wife is honoring you when you're not around? I have this confidence.
  • Respect - She knows that as a man I need respect, and she gives it to me in spite of my failures. She thinks the world of me, and her praise and support give me courage to fight on.
  • Romance - No lack of this in our relationship, at least not from her side.
  • Trust - She knows my heart and what I would do in situations. It's fun to see where she knows me better than I know myself. I trust her completely with our checkbook. With raising our children. With entertaining company. Safety on the road. And on and on.
  • Style - In many ways my bride has brought style and quality to my life. I won't bore you with tales of my bachelor days, but suffice it to say she has transformed me into a man. And this without nagging me to death. It was accomplished through the subtle, steady influence of her life - the many "little" choices she makes enhance the jurisdictions I have given her: our home, clothing, nutrition, eyeglass frames, education of our boys, etc.
  • Fun-Loving - Makes for many good times of travel, laughing, and recreation. We enjoy doing many things together. We've been on countless canoe trips. Still need to use those kayaks on a river though...maybe this year.
  • Physical Beauty - Obvious to anyone who has seen her. She keeps herself youthful, lovely, and desirable for her husband, yet keeps herself for me by dressing like a lady. I am ravished always with her love. Not sure why I mention her beauty last - maybe to make sure you read the other points.
I am a wealthy man. Happy Birthday to my perfect wife!

Incidentally, she has three unattached sisters.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

From the Dilbert File

Monday, March 03, 2008

Why is this person smiling?

I have chronic sinus problems. Allergies, stuffiness, post-nasal drip, the subsequent coughing, the works.

Our doctor had recommended using a neti pot a few months ago. Last week we acquired one and gave it a shot. Weird and a little gross, but I'm on my second or third day and so far, I feel quite a bit better. I'm not much for alternative medicine, but while your first impression of the neti pot concept may lump it with Chinese acupunture and the like, it does seem logical, at least to me. You're simply flushing your sinus cavity with saline to cleanse out allergens and other irritants.

The flush itself takes some getting used to, but if you have sinus problems and need to use nasal spray, Flonase, or other medications, try it. Like I said, it's only been a few days, but so far N-E-T-I spells relief.