Tribute to a Princess

- Loyalty - One of her strongest qualities. How many of you men have complete confidence that your wife is honoring you when you're not around? I have this confidence.
- Respect - She knows that as a man I need respect, and she gives it to me in spite of my failures. She thinks the world of me, and her praise and support give me courage to fight on.
- Romance - No lack of this in our relationship, at least not from her side.
- Trust - She knows my heart and what I would do in situations. It's fun to see where she knows me better than I know myself. I trust her completely with our checkbook. With raising our children. With entertaining company. Safety on the road. And on and on.
- Style - In many ways my bride has brought style and quality to my life. I won't bore you with tales of my bachelor days, but suffice it to say she has transformed me into a man. And this without nagging me to death. It was accomplished through the subtle, steady influence of her life - the many "little" choices she makes enhance the jurisdictions I have given her: our home, clothing, nutrition, eyeglass frames, education of our boys, etc.
- Fun-Loving - Makes for many good times of travel, laughing, and recreation. We enjoy doing many things together. We've been on countless canoe trips. Still need to use those kayaks on a river though...maybe this year.
- Physical Beauty - Obvious to anyone who has seen her. She keeps herself youthful, lovely, and desirable for her husband, yet keeps herself for me by dressing like a lady. I am ravished always with her love. Not sure why I mention her beauty last - maybe to make sure you read the other points.
Incidentally, she has three unattached sisters.
Sweetness!She is going to love that.
I married a wonderful man!!! There is no one else I'd rather spend my birthday with!
Awww, you made me shed a tear. So sweet. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. You are both blessed.
you are such a classic brother in-law to the 3 unattached sisters.
Thanks for writing this.
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